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September 30, 2024

Jacob’s ladder – Neville’s ladder

By John

Remember the conversation we had when we delved into the exhilarating concept of our reality resembling a simulator? Remember that I mentioned we didn’t know we had a headset on, which only streamed our beliefs, values, and experiences, and that everyone was different? Well, picture this: we’re not just observers; we are creators of what we stream, shaping our own destinies within this extraordinary realm. It’s an idea that’s nothing short of empowering and liberating. Whether we’re striving to manifest wealth and success, or paint a brighter future, the incredible power to do so lies within us.

However, there is a catch. Sneaky, self-limiting beliefs have stealthily infiltrated our minds, thanks to society, family, and the education system. Crafty, right? These invisible mental roadblocks often act as speed bumps, slowing our progress and preventing us from fully unleashing our wild, creative potential. But guess what? It’s high time we send those limitations packing and wholeheartedly embrace the expansive range of our amazing selves.

How do we do that? We choose to.

There is nothing you cannot do. Admittedly, there may be things you cannot do right now, but that does not mean you can never do them, especially when you trust the Universe to assist you. When you trust and set heartfelt intentions, the Universe has no option but to bring to you what you desire. You can make changes if you want to.

Now, I’m going to show you how to test intention setting, manifesting, and the Universe’s response. It’s not my idea; it’s taken from Neville Goddard’s book, “The Feeling is the Secret.” This book was written some time ago, but its lesson is simple: the feeling is the secret.

Neville describes an experiment to test the Universe and I’m going to recount it here for you because you’ll need it when I release my “Making Changes Workbook.”

Briefly, we can manifest anything into our lives if we believe we can and set the intention the right way. First, we need to be in the right state of mind. The brain operates on a beta frequency for normal daily processing, which is not in tune with the frequency of the Universe. The right state of mind for manifesting is the alpha state.

How do we get into the alpha state? We can do it by sitting in silence or meditating if we choose to. But I personally don’t have the time to do that, and I’m guessing if you’re as busy as me, neither do you. But there’s another way, a way so natural you’ve been doing it all your life.

There are two times of day when we naturally fall into the Alpha state without any effort on our part. They are in the morning when snoozing or just as we are falling asleep. In the morning, we transition from Delta to Alpha and then into waking Beta, and the reverse is true at bedtime.

So, the first thing in the morning or the last thing at night, brainwave-wise, would be the best time to call upon the Universe to manifest for you.


In my “Making Changes Workbook,” I’ll go into much more detail, with a Striking Oil meditation that brings all of Neville’s work up to date. For now, just think of the thing you want to change. Forget about the steps required to make the change. Just see the change. See it happening. Most importantly, feel it happening, as much feeling as possible.
Now, back to Neville’s test.

Let me introduce the Ladder.

To test the Universe and our manifesting abilities, Neville used an obscure item to manifest—something that wasn’t an everyday occurrence. Unless, of course, you’re a window cleaner.
Neville used a ladder in his experiment. He looked through his mental eyes, climbing a ladder for at least one to two weeks. The trick isn’t just to watch yourself climb up the ladder, but through your mental eyes, see your hand placement as you climb. The feeling that goes with this visualisation is one of completion. For me, this was because I kept finding myself switching from the first-person perspective to the third and watching myself climb it from behind. Once I mastered this technique, I was grateful because my mind as it gained in strength and confidence.

Keep doing this and know that the test will be successful when a random ladder comes into your reality for no apparent reason. This will prove to you that manifesting is controllable, and you will never doubt the power of successfully sticking to an idea until it becomes reality. From then on, you will want to practise.

I will give you more information regarding my Making Changes Workbook when it becomes available. For now, though, if you want a copy of Neville’s book for background, you can get it below.

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