If the Universe were a simulation
Question: What if the universe were nothing but a giant simulation?
Imagine if this was the case – Every waking day, we put on a virtual reality headset and remove it when we go to sleep. The catch: we are not aware that we are wearing it. The headset is our Mind. The screen our perception. Beyond the headset and the display, out of our field of vision, is an expansive virtual reality, and beyond that, the absolute reality.
![man in blue top with a VR head set on](https://sourcespirit.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/image.png)
Now consider: the headset has been worn every day since birth and has never knowingly been taken off.
It is logical that I will lose a lot of readers right about now, because we have an insane ability to fiercely protect our “normal.” When something challenges our perception of “normal, “, we defend it. Just the suggestion that we are living in a simulated reality will send all but a few running for the hills.
The Reality range we perceive is only the range of the visible light spectrum. We do know, for sure, that there is more that can be perceived past the limits of our eyes. Is it only a self protection mechanism of the mind, that likes to be safe and secure in the knowledge that there is nothing beyond its created version of Reality? Are we oblivious to the notion that our mind generated everyday reality is only a fraction of what is actually out there?
A Soul’s day out
Now, picture an spiritual arcade by a spiritual seaside. A Soul enters the arcade and has a choice of games to play. It selects a game and loads it. It chooses a character (you in this life,) and begins to move the character. This sandbox game and the character is your virtual avatar. The Soul begins its adventure.
The arcade itself houses many machines, but the Soul can focus on and control one game and one avatar at one time. As the Soul progresses in the game, it gains insight from interacting with the other characters. When the Soul is ready, the game can be saved (sleep mode) and is able to return to pick up where it left off. Whilst in sleep mode, the Soul can shift its focus to another game and choose another character to play.
Each machine can host multiple games, which represent different roles the avatar can play, such as being a parent, or partner, or choice of career path. The Soul can choose the avatar, and the role being played. Every different role is a new experience. This maximise what we interact, learn, and grow with through more adventures.
Now, let’s think of life in terms of virtual reality. The VR headset becomes our tool for interpreting reality, with the software representing the experiences we live through. Our personal software is influenced by many factors—our upbringing, beliefs, and the environment around us.
The real opportunity.
With intention and focus, we can shift from merely running pre-installed programs to creating our own experiences.
This opens the door to transformation. By taking control of the software we run, we step beyond the limitations of the physical world and explore new possibilities of growth and creation. However, like mastering any new skill, this shift requires dedication, practice, and the courage to break free from the known and embrace the new.
In the arcade, other Souls have access to the games too. Two souls can play multiplayer mode on one machine, each playing as different characters, with different roles. They share the adventure just like a husband and wife would share their experiences.
Consider the VR headset as virtual hardware, and reality as software. We use the software to create a virtual headset capable of running other software programs – these are the experiences we have. This takes power. By default, we run the same software repeatedly, influenced by our upbringing, beliefs, values, society, education, and other external factors.
Room for change
We can create and run our own programs, transforming ourselves from mere perceivers into programmers. We have the power to develop and run any application in our virtual headset, using it as a tool for learning, visualization, or manifestation. When we do this, we break free from the constraints of physics and spacetime. Yet, like any skill, it takes practice and confidence.
Once we grasp that we can create any program within the virtual headset, we can manifest a new virtual reality within the simulated physical world. Think of it like a software programmer using an editor to code – our imagination serves as the editor that create the program, complete with behaviours, skills, and more. We don’t need machine language; we use an assembly language composed of images, sounds, feelings, and past experiences. When new programs are created, neural networks form with intent and purpose, which are then sent off to the universe, eventually transforming into a virtual physical reality. With repeated use and refinement, these neural networks yield the desired results.
If you want to bring a new reality into existence, the first step is understanding that your reality, can be over written with another one. One of your choosing and making. This empowering realisation enable us to create the best possible reality imaginable, breaking free from limitations. It’s liberation from the constraints of our environment and circumstances, and it’s just the beginning. As you practice, remember that every time you tap into the powers of the absolute real reality, your virtual reality diminishes by the same amount. Others will marvel at your seemingly superhuman abilities, but you’re a vital element within the boundless consciousness.
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